Our Learning Apps

We regularly use educational ipad apps at school to support our learning.  Here are some of the apps we love to use.  If you have an ipad, ipod touch or iphone, you may like to purchase these apps so your child can use them at home too! 
Hover over, and then click on the icon to purchase or find out more.


Teaches correct letter and number formation.
Teaches both upper and lower case letters.

    Reading Raven
    Letter Formation.
    Matching letter sounds to letters.
    Learning to read first words.

      This Weeks Words
      A great app to support spelling practice.

        Alphabet Song
        Alphabet Phonics and Order Song.

        Word Bingo
        Developing instant recognition and recall of sight words.

          Sentence Builder
          Build sentences that make sense by dragging words and fullstops into the right order.


          Motion Math: Wings
          Be a bird and fly to the biggest set of objects!  A great app for counting skills and instant recognition of big and small sets (estimation).

          Math Bingo

          Math Bingo
          Children have to click on the answer to addition, subtraction, multiplication or division problems. 
          Developing basic facts instant recall.  This app can also be found on the web at abcya.com.

          Love to Count by Pirate Trio

          Love to Count (by Pirate Trio)
          Order and identify Numbers.  
          Develop an awareness of fractions and learn early addition skills. 

          Other learning apps we love to use 

          Sock puppets
          Sock Puppets
          Choose sock puppets, backgrounds and props.
          Record your voice and tell a story!
          Great for oral language an retelling stories.

          Puppet Pals HD

          Puppet Pals HD
          Similar to sock puppets, but the children choose characters instead of puppets. Great for oral story telling, helping children organize their ideas and sequence a story. 

          Pic Collage
          Pic Collage HD
          A fun app for sharing experiences. 
          Take photos, organize and display them in collages. Add text and stickers.

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