Thursday, 13 February 2014

Our School Library Visit

We went to the school library.  We met Mrs Stubbings who works in the library.  We are super duper readers. We tip toed around with our whispering voices.  

We got to sit in the special circle.  We decided to call it the donut because it looks like a donut!

 Zoe chose a book about Clifford the Big Red Dog.  Then she found Mrs Stubbings very special library Clifford!

We can't wait to go to the school library again next Thursday and choose some more books!


  1. Wow.. So cool to see the kids taking interest in reading. Zoe was so excited about her first library visit and enjoys reading her to book to everyone at home. Keep it up E6

  2. Jacob enjoys the library visits and we generally have to read that book at bed time each night until the next library day when we get a change of book. Very lucky to have such a good library at your school


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