Thursday, 6 March 2014

In the Garden

This week we learned a new song in E6. It is called "In the Garden".  We took the words to the song home in our poetry book for the weekend.  Some of us drew some beautiful pictures of ourselves in the garden.  Look at Riddhika's masterpiece....

You look so happy in the garden Riddhika! I can see you are wearing your sunhat.  I can see butterflies and flowers in your garden....

We went for a walk around the gardens at school.  We thought about all the different things we see when we go out in the garden.  Mrs Graham wrote our thinking down on a brainstorm chart...

Look at the clip we found on You Tube.   E6, you can use your poem books and sing along while you watch the clip!
What do you see when you are 
in the garden?

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